
This is the story about the journey of my life.

  Now over 60 (in my head I am 25!)  I am still on a journey of self discovery.  If you are reading this blog you are  finding out about me, just as I am every day.

I discovered travel late in life.  Chronic homesickness had kept me from going anywhere for any length of time  for many years  until around 2006.  After a few days I would literally physically pine for my home, even when I was with my family.

 I finally overcame this  four years ago when I took my first solo trip and I was hooked. Facing and overcoming my demons., not just in travel but in life it’self.

Some stats….I am on my third husband, we have five children between us and  nine grandchildren.  I have a passion for cycling, Paris and travel.

Oh I also have a profession, but I am not allowed to talk about that!

Is Denise my real name and do I come from Bolton?

Only you can decide!

Here is a link to my previous blog


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11 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Denise. I have just read your wonderful piece on ‘white slavery’ and the workhouse. There was no ‘comments’ box, but I have found this one under the ‘About’ tab. What a good piece of writing, which I really enjoyed. You know, I read ‘Ragged Trousered Philanthropists’ in (say) the early 70s and was shocked at how workers were treated in Victorian times. And then I re-read it in the 80s and was shocked at how some of it seemed to be creeping back under Thatcherism. Now I think with the continuation of her policies we are heading back to the poor being treated as less than human again. I am currently half-way through reading “Chavs: the demonisation of the working class” by Owen Jones and it makes chilling reading. The first time I heard the term chav used I instinctively hated it. It is so alienating – how much easier it is for the comfortably-off to dismiss people as less-than-human when you can put them all in a box labelled ‘Chavs’ and scum. Present policies encourage this ‘us and them’ mentality, and people are less likely to have any sympathy for ‘scroungers’ who only have themselves to blame for not trying hard enough. Policies which deliberately destroyed industries are conveniently overlooked as having a part in the situation. Not everyone is like this, of course, but in the 21st Century there are still plenty who would sit in positions of power, like those deciding whether or not Mary Ann and her sons deserved charity, and plump for the ‘let them rot’ decision. Bossy xx


  2. Hi bossy, thanks for persisting and finding a way to comment.. There is obviously a problem and they tell me they are trying to fix it. When I get back to notrmal I will transfer these comments to the right post.

    I too read “The Ragged trousered philanthropist” many years ago and I agree there are parallels today with the attitudes displayed in the book. I must get the book you talked about. “chavs. the demonisation of the working classes”

    I have been involved in the trade union since the 1970’s. I lived through the “winter of discontent” when strikes ( brought about by rampant inflation) caused much disruption and misery to people. I also lived through the miners strike and the closure of other nationalised industries by Thatcher, in a deliberate policy to create unemployment and keep the working classes down……it was deemed more economic to pay these workers unemployment benefit than subsidise the industries they worked in…… a massive failure as we still have the “benefit class” that her policies created.

    I have seen over and over that clearly most employers, (including public services) given the chance will exploit their workforce to the maximum they legally ( and sometimes illegally) can get away with, unless there is legislation to prevent this.

    This is probably worse these days with capitalism, as the employers are answerable to shareholders who have no loyalties and will take their money elsewhere if they are not making a profit. It is just a fact of life. Shareholders are not going to say ” oh I will leave my investment alone, even though it is not making as much money, because workers really should be paid more so they can look after their children.

    I agree that current policies and attitudes could take us back to those Victorian kind of conditions if not controlled. There is demonisation of people by the media, of those who claim benefits, immigrants and asylum seekers. as if they are responsible for the current recession.

    Whilst there are those who exploit the system, my experience is that most are just trying to survive….. The bedroom tax, repeal of legislation giving workers rights, withdrawal of legal aid for those who can’t afford representation in law. Limitation on claims for unfair dismissal and upfront CHARGES for bringing a case. ( If you are thrown out of work, how do you afford this?) all designed to support exploitative employers instead of policies to help create jobs and provide self respect, confidence and training to support people into work..

    The current government has brought in a lot of changes (cuts) to the benefit system in this country, but done little to the bankers who caused the crisis or rich greedy people and corporations who creatively avoid paying tax.

    Where I work, in 2012..we were told we must work 12 hour shifts. ( this is a public service) Ironically in the programme there was a portrayal of a political movement for the Factories act and their chant was . “SUPPORT THE 10 HOUR BILL” which would have made it it illegal to work more than 10 hours……..not much has changed in 200 years!

    Sorry for the rant but this is something I feel strongly about.

    Again, thanks for your comment.
    Love Denise


    • Don’t worry, I loved your rant – you are a woman after my own heart! Maybe we’ll (wo)man the barricades together one day, ha ha! I can see that you will love that book!
      We don’t have the problems to the same extent here, but our current National (i.e. Tory) government is following all the tried and true policies which have caused the gulf between the haves and have-nots to grow enormously since the early nineties (when we started to adopt Thatcherism here).
      Bossy x
      p.s. one of my first ‘proper’ jobs was in the office of a textile dyeworks near Stockport (no longer in existence).


  3. Pingback: ENGLAND’S SHAMEFUL SECRET OF WHITE SLAVERY.. | denisefrombolton

  4. Pingback: ENGLAND’S SHAMEFUL SECRET OF WHITE SLAVERY.. | denisefrombolton

  5. I enjoyed the browse, Denise. I couldn’t comment under the post about the blogging, and the question as to why blogging is addictive is an interesting one. =) But there is no need for self-imposed anything out here. And it sure as hec’s a lot of fun. I happened to catch on another site that you’re a midwife? Caught my eye bc I loved mine. I birthed my boy at home in a kiddie pool – to music. We didn’t vax and he is one healthy, happy, smart boy. All the best to you in the new year,



  6. Hello holistic wayfarer, thanks for taking the time to comment. I am a bit quiet on the blogging front these days, too busy with my “other” life. I have several unfinished drafts in the queue, but don’t seem to be able to finish them.
    Glad you had a good birthing experience. As for me retirement looms.
    Happy new year to you.
    Love Denise.


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